
Windsurfing from the very beginning abruptly changes the usual things: for there is no surf the concepts of "right" and "left." Hand and foot are closer to the mast, called the "front" and the other arm and leg – "rear" Get ready to enjoy the speed and exercise in acrobatics. At the same time during […]

Industrial Avenue

By arrangement with the paintball club Snaker, our paintball club 'Hedgehog in the Fog' organizes and conducts the game of paintball at the site of Korkinskogo lake. Paintball field in Korkinskogo lake – the perfect place to play Paintball, located not far from Korkinskogo lake, and in close proximity to the city. The convenient location […]

General Physical Techniques

In addition to the proposed preventive measures exclude altogether from his training in the squat and penetration rods. Take no more than 80-85% of 1RM. Traction only do jog. First, the smaller weight rod, and secondly, it is more practical – useful for lifting the barbell on his chest and bench standing, third will receive […]

Health Benefits of Dancing

Start dancing can be virtually any age from very young to quite respectable and respected. Dancing is good because that is completely harmless to health and do not require high-power loads: the body Novice dancers gradually gets used to the increasingly complex challenges that arise during training. In addition, studies at a rapid pace and […]