For all students, even dream of going to college, I have some advice: do not graduate. Yes You heard me. Not graduate. I’m sure dozens of intelligent people have said that you need to go to college and get good grades to get a good job that offers good benefits. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Albert Bandura by clicking through. Well, the bad news of all this good news is that the propaganda is cruel. Let me explain why. Year after year, I see that hard work and get good grades (some of you, at least).
Receive honors and awards for his achievements. Eventually graduate and his family comes to graduation – with gifts and balloons. Once graduation is over, reality falls. There are few good jobs for you. You move back home to live with their parents (assuming that the left in the first place.) Initially, you have to work jobs that pay well and rarely have anything to do with your major. Those damn student loan people start calling to remind you about the enormous debt and all special programs that you qualify if you are “experiencing problems meeting its debt obligations.” You discover that you still have some options. You can settle for a decent job that pays the bills.
You can get married, have children, and spend the rest of his life suspended between debt and death. Or you can go back to college to graduate again. I am here to say-not. No graduate twice. In fact, even after graduation. Instead, I strongly urge you to do something even better and is educated. ” If you’re confused, then this is a sign that you probably have graduated without being educated. Let me make my point of view more concrete. Do you remember hearing stories about athletes who somehow made it through high school unable to read or write? Absolutely. I bet you were as shocked as everyone else. How the hell could this happen? Do not know anyone? Of course, someone I knew. Someone always knows. But knowing did little to stop the athletes paraded around the stage at graduation with a diploma. Graduated, but were not educated. So, here comes the good (and not going to like it). For a moment, I imagine you’re an athlete who graduated no education or little education. You know what? This is not to believe. You’re the athlete and the athlete you are! Sure, you probably have an average of A. You can read poems in Latin while doing hat tricks, and is probably on his way to a prestigious university. The fact of the matter is that none of its magnificent attributes really matter. You and the athlete are in the same boat. It is located at one end and into another. However, it is the same boat. Both graduated and they both have the title to prove it. Despite their differences, both have been reduced to the same level. How does this happen? Discovering the answer, you’re on your way towards education of himself and perhaps some others as well. For now, I only hope can see the difference between graduating and being polite. You do not have to wait and hope that someone will explain this complicated reality for you. If you decide it is absolutely necessary to go to college, then graduate with education. If not, you will spend the rest of his life on that boat and it’s harder to leave than you think. JK Dennis is the author of “9 Lessons for a meaningful life.”