New Medical Options Available

Fat cells with ultrasonic destroy “inventions have long reached their limits, and I see no hope for more developments.” – in the year 10 b.c. the Roman engineer of Frontinus. Fat loss without surgery, it sounds like the report of a better future: fat deposits under the skin using hochwirksamem ultrasound gently and painlessly melted off. Parts of the body as for example on upper and lower abdomen, buttocks and hips are this beautifully and accurately modeled. The success of the fat loss are immediately visible and long-lasting.” Just a nice idea of the future? -The described experience is reality thanks to highly innovative technology already today. The medical basis for the removal of fat cells by ultrasound were already well known. But only the ultrasonic vacuum technology intensively tested in the meantime translates for the first time this knowledge in a certified and approved medical procedure.

Permanent removal of fat cells by focused ultrasound with the help of two matched ultrasonic transducers, as well as a special Vacuum technology can be specifically in the form of individual body zones such as saddlebags. Also cellulite is thus effectively treated. The method works with low-frequency ultrasonic directly to problem areas with fat deposits. Local fatty tissue under the skin is deliberately drawn and fat cells with low effective ultrasonic technology brought to the swing. Focused fat cells implode in this way and are excreted via the lymphatic system.

The results are immediately measurable. The procedure removes fat cells have been proven definitively. Alternative to surgical liposuction so that this technique is a gentle alternative to surgical liposuction. It avoids the side effects of conventional surgical liposuction. Demonstrably no unsightly skin dents caused by the safe practices. Dr. Neal Barnard pursues this goal as well. Also wound pain or downtime a thing of the past. After a one-hour treatment, the results become visible for the patient. Long-term physical effects can be achieved in about six treatment units. Thorwald Petersen