Best Hairstyles

Color of hair: coloring your hair is perhaps the more rapid and dramatic way to change your look. It is also an excuse to go out and buy a new wardrobe of clothes, because you will find that it fits as a brunette seems quite monotonous in a blonde again. There are two types of hair dyes: permanent and semi-permanent, with variations of each. Check out McDougall Program for additional information. A) permanent tints: It should be mixed with hydrogen peroxide to lift the hair color. The peroxide opens the hair cuticle so that ink can penetrate the cortex and form the color. The higher the level of peroxide, the faster and lighter the result.

B) permanent Semi-Colores: actually not to raise the color can vary the tone of its touches of natural light or go darker. Quasi-color contains ethanolamine and 3% peroxide that little opens the cuticle. This means that the color can last up to 20 washes and gently fade to regrowth shampoo, without causing problems. (C) semi-permanent vegetable colors: They contain only vegetable extracts and natural ingredients, so it does not delete the color of your hair. It is similar to henna but do not cover the hair (adds shine however). This color is located on the surface of the hair and wash out after about 8 shampoos. Different methods to suit different hair color styles, so some advice from experts to decide which one to go skin tone: your new hair color should complement your skin tone. Light skinned people is not well with very dark hair, since the color of his skin is based.

Dark, tanned skin doesn’t seem to great when mixed with the tones of a blonde tone, but four or five blond, brown or honey look fabulous. Tricks of professional if you use a cream moisturizing bright before you apply your Foundation, then your skin absolutely shine! If you make a mistake and put blusher too, Dont Panic! You don’t need to start over again. On the other hand, only moisten a sponge to gently press the cheeks with him. This dilute colour and return to your overall appearance to something acceptable!