To the extent that companies are identified with the relevance, scope and process management give way to changes, strategies they require to achieve favorable results, management will meet one of its functions to ensure management processes that encourage in their plans. This time we present some basic aspects that must be considered, evaluated by management and try to give way to encourage it in its management. Were selected based on input from those who have implemented the management of production processes to the characteristics of the current scenarios, respecting the contents and sources of information. Lee marks can provide more clarity in the matter.
The so-called “Process management” focuses the issue in the management of activities that generate value to the product or service to the client, the basic difference with traditional management techniques is that these respond to how things are done within of a particular business organization, ie the definition of models or patterns directed toward operating within the business organization, defining a series of tasks and specialized activities, while process management part of the consideration for whom things are done and what it is doing. For Fernandez de Velasco (1996), the basic purpose of the Process management is simply to increase corporate profitability through the achievement of higher levels of customer satisfaction. It also calls for reducing internal costs by detecting unnecessary activities and processes that do not generate customer value and are unnecessary for the company, and the nationalization of those that do not add value to the customer if required for the company..