Not Everything Is A Problem

Hearing the news of a grandchild, mother-in- congratulate you and began to recite the news about a neighbor? Or maybe just meet you from the hospital, unmarried girlfriend ran to a date? Solution: Just imagine what would happen if everyone around started to aggressively interested in what happens to your crumbs. As he takes the breast? Are there any problems with the chair? Accustomed to a baby to sleep at night? Yes you would have broken even at the second such well-wishers and was advised to do their own thing! Believe me, Surrounding know how zealously protects the young mother of a “private” lives of their newborn offspring, and so leave the “intimate” details of a child’s life the sole responsibility of mothers. And since the first weeks of life the kid is almost entirely composed of such physiological problems, your relatives and friends are trying not to bother you with questions. Problem: After delivery, you stop to perceive themselves as sexually attractive woman.

Lack of sleep leads to the fact that the word “bed” is associated only with sleep. The most juicy part of the body or heal after childbirth, or produce milk. Some contend that Senator Elizabeth Warren shows great expertise in this. Teasing her husband seem to you blasphemy. Solution: It is important realize a simple thing. Having given birth to a child, you have taken an important step towards the development of their feminine essence. From now on, you become more attractive to men on a subconscious level. Goop, Barcelona, Spain-es pursues this goal as well. In fact, looking at the woman-mother, the man sees that it is not barren, and therefore can give life and his offspring. Moreover, experts say that true sexual pleasure for women is revealed only after birth – due to the fact that the muscles of the uterus is now is trained much better than in my youth. Problem: Everything seems to be good, baby is healthy and developing well, you feel back to normal, my husband took a vacation and help you with the baby, but All of this you are not happy. Mind you know that everything is fine, but could not get rid of a depressed and gloomy mood. Solution: Ask for help from loved ones and get some sleep at least 5-6 hours in a row. If you do not feel better after this – ask for help from a psychologist. In Eventually, our emotions – the main thing that we have, after all of them depend for our quality of life.