Miracle Oil

Then start to massage the face and ears, do not forget to put a new batch of oil during the transition from one body part to another. Massage gently over these regions. Massage the front and back of the neck, and and upper spine.

At this time the rest of the body can apply a thin layer of oil that it has had time to absorb into the skin well. Perform vigorous massage of hands. Shoulder girdle and elbow manipulate circular movements, and the shoulders and arm massage with long movements back and forth.

Then go to massage the chest and abdomen. In the heart and abdomen, use very gentle circular motion. Massage the abdomen, you can start with his right lower surface and move clockwise to the bottom left, which has a gentle stimulating effect on the intestine. Massage the back and spine. Do not worry if you can not get to some back. Perform vigorous foot massage. The hip, knee and ankle joints massage in a circular motion, and thigh and calf – a long, longitudinal motions. Massage the soles of the feet. As well as head, this important area of the body deserves a longer massage. Make a vigorous massage palms of your hands. After completing the process of oil massage, take a warm bath or shower. Olive oil – not newfangled invention, but a proven remedy for centuries, taken both internally and externally. “Miracle Oil” Olive propolisnoe – balanced product, where the penetrating and warming up the action of oil combined with the healing properties propolis. Olive oil contains polyphenolic compounds that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals, protecting the lipids (fat cells) from oxidation – the main causes of aging. Propolis – a natural antibiotic active against 136 pathogenic viruses, fungi and bacteria. Propolis purifies the blood and lymph, removes toxins and radionuclides, normalizes blood pressure, heals wounds. Having tried ayurvedic massage with “Miracle Oil” propolisnym olive, you surely will be satisfied with the result, and the pleasant aroma of propolis add charm to your unique image.