German National Library

Tim Gailus, media scholar from Berlin, presented his research results on the subject of advertising with online games for snow children food. He began his presentation to mix itself such a beverage and drink on stage. Finally, the Hamburger introduced psychologist Nathalie Wrobel their latest research results on the subject of placebo effect and made it clear how it acts in the brain. It compared the pain with an intruder in a well guarded Villa and the brain with bouncers. At the talks, especially the entertainment value in the foreground stood. The Slammer had ten minutes to convince the audience, which then evaluated the presentations such as at a poetry slam. With his presentation on the types of research on reptiles and snakes in Panama, Sebastian Lotzkat won in the end.

With his passion for snakes, he convinced the audience which he noalamina the his newly discovered species of Snake Sibon”presented. Snakes are fascinating”Lotzkat. You meander without legs through life and eat still everything that has legs and much greater than it is”. He could get an E-book reader with his lecture. We are glad that the science slam was such a success,”Ulrich Korwitz rejoiced after the event. We will restore anything like that on the legs at the earliest opportunity.” Background information: the German National Library of Medicine (ZB MED) the ZB MED is an independent and non-partisan, public institution.

In its 40 years of existence it has medicine, health, nutrition, environment to the world’s largest specialist library for combining subjects and developed agriculture. Besides supplying classical literature, the ZB MED engaged in various projects for the development, development, mediation, and publication of electronic literature, primary data and research results. The projects of the ZB MED include among others the semantics-based search portals MEDPILOT and GREEN PILOT. In addition, the Central Library with the sites in Cologne and Bonn is committed to free access to scientific literature (open access), inter alia via their portal German Medical Science (gms). The ZB MED is a scientific information infrastructure facility of the Leibniz-Gemeinschaft and an indispensable part of the science location Germany. Juliane Tiedt, ZB MED