
On one occasion, the billionaire Chairman of the International Business Machines Corporation-IBM – Charles r. Flint after listening to its engineers researchers (after WWII) announced that the world had market for some five! – 5 computers, when everyone thought that the business of the future years later was Mark I, the Ramac, Fortran and PC was taught that these engineers were wrong and the poor Flint died without knowing the ridicule that he had made. Christopher Ridgeway stone clinical: the source for more info. The same happened with F Foch, President of the Ecole Superior of war of France, who said that the war planes, were a nice toy, but without military value, then Germany bombed them without mercy, France had no air defense. As well as these anecdotes-llamemoslas as well – there are many in the history and daily life of people and institutions, some call it nonsense, bridging the gap, an afternoon in a tumultuous Assembly of students of Medicine (1971 and 1972 freshmen), those of those years, a Doctor Professor (now deceased) of basic science (Pharmacology) who was a spectator in the same, already could not contain his wrath, seeing the disorder and the cries that emanated from those who were going the Assembly and Assembly members, picked up a chalk and wrote in Slate: savages!, happily put us in penultimate place, not beasts which according to Karl Jung is the wild without God told usAlso had teachers who were sent to several angels to sow or to sell potatoes to stop remember? instead of studying medicine. Other distinguished professors told us troublemakers and so there are many anecdotes and comics that tell the humiliation that were subjected to these two promotions, harassment that the leaders we combatiamos with dignity and face to face and with rage and courage in all instances, called, Faculty Board, College Council and University Assembly, with arguments and reasons exits the soul and with enough verb, I particularly confess that I always dreamed in my nights of reflection, alone in the room of my pension, surrounded by books and notes, then that they had meetings and discussions with the authorities that us vejaban, was very angry and I even cried, by that I knew that such promotions were excellent students, many awards of excellence, first jobs, scholarships, knew the sacrifice of her parents even knew many dads of my co-workers and was not just such molestationI dreamed that my colleagues of the XVI promotion someday were great and give us the reason and I was asleep dreaming that someday this would happen and the next day I wanted to say it and have that dream in front of everyone, but the student movement was highly politicized and one had to be strong, bravo, hard had to be Cholo and hid those tears or transforms them into strength and courage to continue to defend the 16th I rewarded with the Presidency of the same and for many years. .